Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wallpaper be Gone.

Since I am usually at work when demolition was taking place, I went over one day to start stripping wallpaper in my future bedroom.  Here are some of the pictures:

Remember this lovely wallpaper? I was really intelligent and decided to take the wallpaper off this wall first.  I then realized that this wall is being removed.  Oh well, good practice at least.

When I took it off, there was some Big Bird Yellow paint.

On this wall I decided to not only remove the wallpaper, but also the excess glue.  It took me 45 minutes to remove the wallpaper from the majority of the room and TWO HOURS to remove the glue just from this little section.  Not fun.

The pile of all the wallpaper that was removed.

Yep,  that used to be water.  This is the third bucket of glue remover/water when I finished the wall.  Pretty gross.

Those are the only wallpaper removal pictures for now, but I'm sure there will be more in the months to come!

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