Thursday, September 22, 2011

Moving Forwards!

Ok, sorry about the title. No pun intended.  We have some big moves as far as progression goes this week!  First and foremost: Monday night Kirkwood's architectural review board met, and we were given the OK to start renovations! Very exciting!

Next, we got some mock-ups of what the outside of the house will look like after it is completed.  I will hopefully be posting those tomorrow or Saturday.  I would say later today, but that would be very wishful thinking I believe.

Dad took off work yesterday and today and has been going crazy with the sledgehammer again. I think he said that today they are tearing out the wall between the living room and master bedroom.  Someday soon it will become a closet.  

So as you may or may not remember, last weekend I said I would be posting tons of pictures.  I promise I am not falling through on my promise already.  Life has just been crazy.  I've been housesitting, working, and of course I'm still in school. Busy, busy.  The post is currently a "draft" sitting on the blogger site.  It's halfway done with the old pictures, but then I realized we were missing some of the rooms.  Like the former kitchen and back room.   Kind of important given that those are the two rooms that will be most drastically different after the project is complete.  Dad has been advised to snap a few before pictures, so hopefully those will get posted BEFORE the "after" pictures of the outside.  

In other related news, the contractor is working at our current house today fixing up a few little things so it looks even more beautiful when the time comes for us to move.  Apparently we should hopefully be ready as soon as February or March.  How crazy is that?  That's really soon.

I feel like I'm forgetting something else really important, but I'm sure you're already on sensory overload right now.  So to sum up, project is moving forwards (and fast) and there will be TONS of pictures coming your way later this week or this weekend.  Get excited!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Old House, New House

I'm already behind on posting, so there is about to be an explosion of posts today and tomorrow.  First things first here is a picture of our current house:  

Here's a kind of old picture (note the Halloween decorations, and the car we got rid of two years ago)

And here is the new house:

The new house!
So I guess those are the most important pictures to see before we start getting into all the demolition pictures and such.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hi! Well this is the first of many blog posts.  First I guess we should start this off with a little explanation of the blog.  My family and I live is Kirkwood, Missouri.  A BEAUTIFUL suburb of St. Louis.  For the past 23 years (keep note of that number, it will inevitably make some more appearances) we have lived an amazing home.  But if you know us, you know we can get a little crazy at times.  Crazy moments in the past include:

1. Bringing home a Christmas tree, setting it up, then deciding the room needed to be repainted.  After three days with the tree in a five gallon bucket in the garage, we had a beautifully repainted room.
2.  My sister Jessica and I heard a weird noise coming from our at the time unfinished basement, we went down and Mom and Dad both had sledgehammers in hand.  The basement was finished a few months later.

As you can see our craziness often revolves around home improvements.  Keeping that in mind, I guess it's not too surprising that we've decided to move.

Now, if you know our family, you also know that we are incredibly close.  So many memories are contained within the walls of this house.  It's going to be harder than I could ever imagine to move and have another family living there.  Literally, our blood, sweat, and tears are in that house.  Luckily, our new home already contains many memories for us.  We're moving across town to my grandparent's home.  This is the house where my Mom grew up.  Our grandfather passed away in April, and the more we thought about the family home being placed on the market, the more we came to realize that that was where we were meant to be.  

Now most people would just move into the house, no problem.  But if you remember from earlier in the post, we don't quite work that way.  We have some home improvements in the works, thus we probably will not actually be moving until late spring or early summer of 2012.  More photos will typically be included in posts, but I have been meaning to get this thing started for a few weeks, and I just wanted to get this boring first post out of the way before launching in on demo photos, remodeling, construction and such.

Thanks for reading this insanely long post.  Hopefully there will be some pictures up in the next few days. 

God Bless!